Digital Marketing

For artists, organizations & labels

Our digital marketing services are campaign-based.
We support from strategy to implementation of a campaign on the digital channels of an artist, label or organization in executive and/or consulting collaboration.

Our clients

Over the years, we have been able to successfully implement our clients' campaigns.

How does a project look like? 

Every project within the classical music industry is different. Through experience in over 100 projects, we understand individual project requests of all kinds and can develop suitable solutions for you. 

Ideation &

Within classical music, the focus of a campaign is usually the music itself. E.g. a new CD release is  promoted.
We plan the content specifically to have a clear structure with all the people involved.


What is important to the artist?
What is important to the label?
What is important to the PR agency?
What is important to the management?
We align all interests in the best possible way.

Posting on
Social Media Channels

If we work in an executive way, we take over the posting of the campaign content on the respective social media accounts.
If we work in a purely advisory way, this is done by the artist/organization itself.

Evaluation -
Best Practice

Evaluating campaign results identifies strengths and weaknesses of a campaign effort. This increases the learning curve for all involved.
The results are used to develop a workflow that can be applied to new campaigns.

How does a collaboration work?

Every project within the classical music industry is different. Through experience in over 100 projects, we understand individual project requests of all kinds and can develop suitable solutions for you. 

Appointment request

We recommend an appointment request for specific questions regarding your digital presence. Alternatively, you can request more information about our services or a specific package via email.

Free initial consultation

If you would like us to analyze your digital presence or understand our range of services in more detail, an initial consultation makes perfect sense.

Free consultation

In the initial meeting we were able to classify your request. Now we work out the basic draft for a solution approach for you and go through this together with you in a 45-minute consultation. This conversation is free of charge and without obligation.


Following the consultation, there is an opportunity to decide to work together to achieve discussed goals.

Case Studies
of our clients

Every project within the classical music industry is different. Through experience in over 100 projects, we understand individual project requests of all kinds and can develop suitable solutions for you. 

Clemens Christian Poetzsch


Together with the Neue Meister label, it was important to Clemens that the release of his album "Chasing Heisenberg" be accompanied by a campaign on social media. The aim was to find the right formats to accompany the release in a varied way.

Solution approach

The campaign was developed over a period of 3 months. The focus was on the release of the album. In addition, content about Clemens Poetzsch as a person was thematized in parallel in order to illuminate the release holistically and make Clemens as a person "interesting".

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Our packages

We support from strategy to the implementation of a campaign on the digital channels of an artist, label or organization in executive and/or consulting collaboration.

Digital Campaign Management

Campaign Ideation & Planning
Planning a structured setting (time horizon, ...
Campaign Alignment
Alignment with management, PR agency, label, ...
Posting on Social Media Channels
Can be done by the artists themselves
Campaign Evaluation
Evaluation ofcampaign work
Project-based work
Accompanying a CD release, designing a campaign for a festival/event/career highlight
Suitable for
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Digital Consulting

Status Quo Analysis
Social Media Accounts, Website, Youtube, ...
Advice on digital positioning
How does the institution want to be perceived?
Development of a common objective
Constant feedback and measuring of the progress
Project-based work
Short to medium-term time horizon: 3 months to 1 year
Suitable for
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